21 Days of Clean Eating
February 7th - 28th, 2017
You might know Jojo's as the hipster sriracha that came on the scene via Brooklyn in 2012. What you might not know is why I started making sriracha in the first place.
It was 2010 and I did what any good hipster-in-training would do: I enrolled in a yoga teacher training and decided to take refined sugar out of my diet for a month. That's when I realized that sugar was in everything, including my beloved sriracha. So I started making my own.
I wasn't looking to get my sexy on but it was a side effect I couldn't avoid. I lost weight. I saved money from cooking at home and not eating out. I threw out all my conventional beauty products and finally cleared up my skin from the inside out. I even smelled better.
I've decided that 2017 is all about getting back to our roots of clean eating. We'll quite literally be cookin' up:
What can you expect from us? A sriracha inspired recipe everyday on Facebook / Instagram as well as articles and tidbits we've loved and learned over the past five years.
If you don't have a stash of Jojo's Sriracha in your pantry, use COUPON CODE: CLEANAF for 21% OFF our entire website.
To review, here's your to-do list:
1. Order sriracha: use COUPON CODE: CLEANAF for 21% OFF BUY NOW!
2. Follow Jojo's on Facebook and Instagram to join 21 Days of Clean Eating: February 7th - 28th, 2017
3. While you're waiting eagerly for new sriracha recipes, get fired up with some of my favorite films that have inspired me to eat better, live lighter and think differently:
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