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Jojo's Community Cleanse, January 4th - 31st

Posted by Jolene Collins on


Last Christmas a buddy of ours was trying to cleanse. We met at a bar and he wasn't drinking. It was a rough time for him. I remember saying, "Dude - what are you doing trying to cleanse in December? You're going against the forces of the universe! Just wait until January."

I grew up surfing, which is just like this. You wait for that moment between sets to paddle out past the break. And then you sit there. Waves come in sets, with time in between where nothing really happens. The magic is when the swells come and you point your board in line with the one you want. Then you paddle like crazy and if you're lucky enough, you stand up and surf.

November and December are packed with holidays. It's more like the time when you get stuck in the break and pounded by wave after wave... party after party, cheese ball after cheese ball, drink after drink. It can definitely be fun, but I always come out exhausted on the other side.

Then suddenly it's a new year and everything shifts. This is the time to find that wave you really want, align your surfboard and paddle.

Jojo's Sriracha started when I took refined sugar out of my diet for a month. When I looked at the ingredients on my squeeze bottle of sriracha, I knew our relationship was over. The next month I began a yoga teacher training that began with an Ayurvedic cleanse. I started reading all my food labels and changed the way I ate and lived. I even started making my own sriracha. My life has never been the same.

In January I'm always ready for a reset. It's a great time to tighten the reigns, re-calibrate and start a new year feeling fresh, focused and, ok, damn sexy. Who doesn't want to feel damn sexy?
Can I get a hell ya?


Email and we'll put your on our Community Cleanse Email List :)

Whether you live in Denver or not, I invite you to paddle out with us. Here's what we'll be up to:

Monday, Jan. 4th - Sunday, January 10
Video binge watch. Yup, you heard that right. We want you to plop your ass in front of the TV and get so full of knowledge that you are damn near ready to explode. We'll have a documentary, video or TED talk to share with you every day.

Here are the food films in the order we recommend watching:

#1: In Defense of Food
#2: Fed Up
#3: Forks Over Knives
#4: Happy
#5: Hungry For Change
#6: Cowspiracy

WEEK 2, Monday Jan. 11th - Sunday, January 17th ...
WEEK 3, Monday Jan. 18th - Sunday, January 24th ...
WEEK 4, Monday Jan. 25th - Sunday, January 31st ...

For each of the following weeks, pick ONE thing in your diet or lifestyle that doesn't serve you and replace it with something that does.

Here's a handy dandy iCal to keep this shit straight!

We've cleansed many times and it's always better with friends! Trust. So be sure to grab a like-minded homie.

For those of you in and around Denver - we'd love to see you!

My partner Rachel and I will be meeting every Sunday morning for yoga and coffee. We'd love to practice with you and catch up after to share story and keep each other pumped. We'll practice from 9:00-10:30am at the Kindness Yoga on Platte St. and then head downstairs to Carbon Beverage Cafe for coffee and a bite to eat.


Kindness Yoga will be hosting their Yoga Challenge January 4th - February 14th.

This year, you can set your own goal of 2, 3, 4 or 5 yoga classes per week. When you meet your goal, you'll be enrolled to win a yoga teacher training or Vitamix.

We absolutely recommend a regular yoga practice for body, mind and heart. Jump in at any of their six locations in the Denver (and now Golden!) area.

Sign up for the Kindness Yoga Challenge

I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a new year.

Let's make it a great one.

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